domenica 29 luglio 2007

Only the Stupid Have Something to Say

July 29, 2007

We went to Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park today, where anyone can stand up on a soapbox and say anything they want to (they just can't insult the Queen). Only the stupid ever have something to say, apparently, because I listened to two men argue about the American constitution--of which neither of them knew anything, and the Americans in the crowd were laughing at their ridiculousness--and another man's agenda listed that he would argue that "equal pay for women is a fantasy" (WHAT?!) and "anything you want to argue, no matter how stupid--I can still beat you." Yes, sir, I'm sure you can. Can we just lock them all in a room together and let them duke it out, because we sure don't need to hear them!

I'm about to head to the London Eye for my final night in London, but I wanted to say this is probably my last post, unless I can grab a computer in Edinburgh or something. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you back in the States!

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