lunedì 18 giugno 2007

Ho, Ho, Ho

June 17, 2007

Everyone else arrived today and chose their rooms, and Hillary became the fourth person in our area of the residence. We had promised Dr. Oatsvall that we would be the quiet corner, but we failed miserably in that respect. We made dinner and stole off each other's plates, we took crazy pictures for an hour or two, we told ridiculous stories and made up even more, and I taught Hillary how to play the Ho Ho Ho game.

If you've never played Ho, Ho, Ho, go grab a few friends and follow my instructions: everybody lie down on the floor with your head on another person's stomachs--one head per stomach. The first person says "Ho!" with as much gusto as possible, making her stomach bounce the friend's head up and down. The second person says "Ho! Ho!" and so on and so forth. The object is to make the other people laugh, and whoever laughs first fails. Let me just say that Bekah failed every single time.

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