venerdì 25 maggio 2007

Camilla the Attack Turtle

May 23, 2007

It started out as a normal day in Sansepolcro. We had a delicious breakfast (I had English Breakfast tea accompanying it, in preparation for the next half of my journey), followed by several hours of classes. The homework level continues to increase, but I'm learning so much! I've got survival Italian, taught by the wonderful Sarah, a resident of Sansepolcro who has been teaching the Meredith Abroad students some Italian for the fifteen years our program has been stationed in this town (our arrival was announced to the town by the local newspaper, by the way--we're celebrities!). IDS is my Core 200 class, wherein I'm learning all about Italian culture and history. Did you know that many traditional Italians consider it bad manners to fold your hands in your lap when at the table? They rest their forearms on the table as they relax and wait for dinner or refreshments. In History of the Renaissance and Reformation, we're currently focusing on the development of humanism as it grew out of traditional medieval ideals, and I'm about to write a paper comparing the medieval and humanistic views of the "Good Life" (feel free to leave ideas or comments to help me with this).

That afternoon, the professors took us to the home of Barbara Chimenti, a talented local jewelrymaker in Sansepolcro who may soon go international--and if she does, I've got her work! :) She makes stunning silver jewelry and sells it from her front living room, and her family welcomed us into their home with smiles and refreshments. However, we had a bit of trouble making it to her front door--her father keeps a pet turtle, named Camilla, who runs at you as you open the gate and tries to bite your toes! Wear close-toed shoes if you go. It was funny at first, watching her climb over people's covered feet, but then she cornered us as we tried to leave the place! We couldn't get the gate to open, and she is surprisingly fast for a turtle. I'm pretty sure we awoke anyone napping in the 100-mile vicinity.

I'm in a beautiful Italian town, with wonderful people and gorgeous weather, and what do I write about? Getting attacked by a turtle.

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