giovedì 24 maggio 2007

Italian Prayers

May 20, 2007

Classes began today at 8:30 AM. I am taking 2.5 courses: Core 200 (about Italian life and culture), History 387 (Renaissance and Reformation) and Survival Italian, which is a component of Core 200. The classes were not what I expected--core focuses on the recent history of Italy, including its 50+governments since World War II and its job situation, while history looks at the development of the two movements in Italy and Europe.

At 11:30 I attended my first Catholic mass in the local Cattedrale; unfortunately, I had no idea what was going on because it was all in Italian. Ah, well! The service was beautiful and serious, and the resonance of the bishop's melodic voice, the people's respondent calls, and the chiming bells created a plethora of sounds that whetted the ears' tastes and left them begging for more. The church itself looked very Romanesque in style, with heavy walls, two rows of archways, small windows, and groin-vaulted ceilings. Fading frescos decorated the ceilings and undersides of arches, and beautifully-detailed paintings loomed on the walls. In the left-hand corner of the church is the exalted Volto Santo ("Holy Face"), the 12th-century Byzantine Christ that remained largely undiscovered until about 15 years ago. The elongated fingers and wan face are perfect examples of the Byzantine style, while his shortened torso and legs bring emphasis back to the face.

Homework and napping took up the rest of the day, and Sansepolcro has remained immaculately beautiful since we've been here--no rain, no clouds, no sweltering heat. Let's hope it stays that way!

1 commento:

Maggie ha detto...

I am so jealous that you went to the Cathedral!! That is precisely why I want to do this trip-that's my heritage :)