giovedì 31 maggio 2007

Yes, Homework Exists in Italy. :(

May 27, 2007

I wrote a paper today discussing the medieval Christian view of what constitutes the Good Life vs. the renaissance humanist view. Certainly not the most exciting thing, but it's not called STUDY Abroad for nothing.

I also visited the cemetery in Sansepolcro, which is beautiful and serene. Multiple people are buried in the same grave many times, and their pictures are placed on the tombstones in a very personal manner. I noticed one grave had the statue of a dancing girl on it, so I went to look more closely at it, only to find out that it was the grave of my host family's daughter! Absolutely weird, but easily the most beautiful and touching grave in the cemetery.

I also bought stuff at an antique fair and had the world's best hot chocolate at a place called the Happy Bar, where I sat outside and drank it while doing homework. Molto Bene!

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