mercoledì 23 maggio 2007

The Tired Traveler

May 17, 2007

Fashion designer. Interior decorator. Makeup artist. Stylist. People telling other people what to wear, how to live, how to look. So why isn't there a job telling someone how to pack? Preparing for my eleven week summer abroad was an arduous task, figuring out which clothes to bring, what to buy, what to wait to buy over there, how much money to take, what prescriptions to fill, how to fit all that stuff in two medium backpacks, etc. It wasn't easy, even with the aid of my mother and sister. However, it was all worth it by the end.
Three flights and a six-hour busride took my luggage and me from Raleigh to Sansepolcro, Italy. We flew over the Apennines in a stunning display of beauty and saw the sun rise over the Atlantic. I slept most of the busride away, but I woke up just as we were driving into Sansepolcro. Rolling green hills with mountains towering in the distance on all sides, verdant gardens surrounding ancient villas, miniature vespas zipping past--I was completely out of my element and in paradise.

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