giovedì 31 maggio 2007

I Packed That, Right?

May 28, 2007

Laboratory scientists would have had a field day this morning if we were their lab rats. We scurried frantically to and fo as we packed our bags for Rome, cleaned our rooms, took off our sheets, and prepared for departure. Classes crawled as we waited for lunch and the bus, and then we were on our way! An hour on the bus, 2.5 hours on the train, and several delays put us in Rome by late afternoon, and we took our bags to our hotel for the night. We bought a Roma Pass, which I recommend for all going to Rome for 2-3 days, and then we tried to find a small, non-touristy eating spot for the evening. However, every other tourist in Rome had the same idea, and we ended up in a nice restaurant surrounded by Americans. A couple from Boston on their honeymoon sat behind us, and the lady opened our bottle of water when we couldn't get it ("I have strong hands," she said, and tore the bottle from poor Hillary's grasp). We were too tired to find any landmarks that night, and we were asleep by 9:30 pm.

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